Contenus scientifiques
- Publication
Game Accessibility for Visually Impaired People: A Review
20/07/2024 -
- Publication
Game Changer: Exploring the Role of Board Games in the Lives of Autistic People
05/07/2024 -
- Publication
Benefits of Playing at School: Filler Board Games Improve Visuospatial Memory and Mathematical Skills
26/06/2024 -
- Publication
“We’ve All Come Together” A Board-Gaming Approach for Working with Autistic People
01/05/2024 -
- Publication
Increasing Accessibility of Online Board Games to Visually Impaired People via Machine Learning and Textual/Audio Feedback: The Case of “Quantik”
23/03/2024 -
- Publication
(Re)Making Society: Board Games in the Socio-Cultural Sector
01/01/2024 -
- Publication
Imagining the Future: Game Hacking and Youth Climate Action
01/01/2024 -
- Publication
Do You Play in Class? Board Games to Promote Cognitive and Educational Development in Primary School
01/01/2024 -
- Publication
Understanding Computational Thinking in the Gameplay of the African Songo Board Game
23/06/2023 -
- Publication
Titiller la Fiction Historique d’un Jeu
15/06/2023 -
- Publication
Is Microethnography an Ethnographic Case Study? and/or a Mini-Ethnographic Case Study? An Analysis of the Literature
24/04/2023 -
- Publication
Video Games and Board Games: Effects of Playing Practice on Cognition
27/03/2023 -
- Publication
Etudier le Recours au Jeu de Société dans le Cadre d’Activités d’Education Non Formelle en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles : Approche Méthodologique Qualitative
02/01/2023 -
- Publication
The Cognitive Processes Behind Commercialized Board Games for Intervening in Mental Health and Education: A Committee of Experts
03/11/2022 -
- Publication
Positionality: The Interplay of Space, Context and Identity
11/08/2022 -
- Publication
Impact on Executive Dysfunctions of Gamification and Nongamification in Playing Board Games in Children at Risk of Social Exclusion
01/02/2022 -
- Publication
In-Person and Remote Workshops for People With Neurocognitive Disorders: Recommendations From a Delphi Panel
21/01/2022 -
- Publication
Entertainment Video Games for Academic Learning: A Systematic Review
12/01/2022 -
- Publication
More Than a Gimmick – Digital Tools for Boardgame Play
06/10/2021 -
- Publication
Gamification in Autism
Revue de littérature sur le sujet de la gamification dans l’autisme.01/09/2021 -
- Publication
The Intersection of Cultural Context and Research Encounter: Focus on Interviewing in Qualitative Research
18/08/2021 -
- Publication
The Use of Analog and Digital Games for Autism Interventions
09/08/2021 -
- Publication
Dark Forests and Doomed Adventurers: an Ecocritical Reading of Horror Roleplaying Games
Forêts sombres et aventuriers condamnés : une lecture écocritique des jeux de rôle d’horreur.27/07/2021 -
- Publication
Unpacking “Boardgames With Apps”: The Hybrid Digital Boardgame Model
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