The 2024 call for projects is open until September 6 (at noon Paris time / GMT+2).



Our mission is to promote the valorisation and recognition of board games as a source of societal value. We are convinced that academic research on board games and play could provide a unique contribution towards that goal.

We invite international research teams to submit a project proposal on any research topic related to board games taken broadly. This year, special attention will be given to projects that investigate the following areas of focus:

The appointed research teams will receive a financial grant from Game in Lab to support a research project in relation with board games. All academic disciplines, ranging from sociology to health sciences are accepted, whether in applied or fundamental sciences. Interdisciplinary proposals are welcomed.

The research grants will support research actions (up to 24 months).

This year’s endowment is 45 000€. 
Each project will be eligible to a maximum grant of 20 000€.

Detailed call (PDF)


Detailed call (PDF)

expected PROJECT outcomes

The appointed teams will contribute to Game in Lab’s diffusion and scientific popularisation actions in the form of articles (scientific or otherwise), published on Game in Lab’s website, or in other journals or media. Project leaders will also be invited to attend events organised or supported by Game in Lab.


online applications

Applications are submitted online, on a secured platform.

Attachments and appendices are listed in the detailed version of the call for projects.

Note: updates can be made to any submitted form until the application deadline. An update link will be shown in the confirmation email you receive after pressing the Submit button.

evenement 2

application deadlines

Submit your research proposal before September 6, 2024!
