Game In Lab

Where science and fun go hand in hand


Game in Lab’s international call for projects is open!

We invite international research teams to submit a project proposal on any research topic related to board games taken broadly.
Applications are accepted until September 6, 2024 at noon (Paris time / GMT+2).

Léa Martinez, Game in Lab’s first Phd student has completed her thesis!

Three years after joining Asmodee’s R&D department, Léa Martinez has completed her cognitive psychology thesis titled “Effects of Board Game Practice on Cognitive Functioning: From Adolescence to Adulthood” lead at the CeRCA Lab (Center for Research on Cognition and Learning), University of Poitiers, under the supervision of Eric Lambert and Manuel Gimenes.

Applications for the international call for projects are now closed!

Game in Lab supports the production of scientific knowledge on games through its annual call for projects. Diverse academic research is encouraged. The call for projects concerns academic teams from various fields and expertise who wish to contribute to this mission. A research grant is allocated to the selected teams.

The newly appointed projects will be known this fall.

Game in Lab celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Since 2015, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science has been organized by UNESCO to promote access and equitable participation of women and girls in science.

On this special day, Game in Lab is celebrating two prominent women in science from its network who contribute to the influence of game sciences, Chloé Germaine and Vinciane Zabban.

Applications for the international call for projects are now closed!

Game in Lab supports the production of scientific knowledge on games through its annual call for projects. Diverse academic research is encouraged. The call for projects concerns academic teams from various fields and expertise who wish to contribute to this mission. A research grant is allocated to the selected teams.

The newly appointed projects will be known this fall.

Game in Lab, supporting game research

What could science teach us about board games?

How could board games research be encouraged and disseminated?
How can the diffusion of scientific knowledge to practitioners, authors, toy librarians… be facilitated?
Which research protocols, which implementations?

Game in Lab program was launched in 2018 to explore these questions and promote collaboration between interdisciplinary researchers, game professionals and other board game fans.

A Multi-Faceted Vision of Board Games

The interface with video games, role-playing games (tabletop or life-size), escape games… can also be considered. Game in Lab supports and encourages research projects with international and interdisciplinary ambition.

The program was initiated by Asmodee Research and the Innovation Factory, two long-term partners committed for years to imagining the future of board games.

Asmodee Research is Asmodee’s department dedicated to promoting and developing interdisciplinary research projects on board games.
The Innovation Factory is a non-profit where member companies like Asmodee collaborate with a core of student contributors: the Web School Factory’s digital natives. Innovation Factory creates interaction modules and innovative courses to promote collaboration, training, and innovation.

CALL FOR projects

Game in Lab’s yearly call for projects supports scientific research projects in relation to board games. Elected projects receive a one time grant up to 15k€ from Game in Lab or Libellud Enterprise Foundation.

The call is closed. See you in Q2 2024 for the next edition!



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