Increasing accessibility of online board games to blind and visually impaired people via machine learning

Playing board games is recognized as an efficient way to promote integration and sociabilization of participants.

The goal of the project is to improve board game accessibility for blind and visually impaired people thanks to easier interactions using screens or touch screens based on automatic detection of the portion of the screen that is being pointed at, with an audio or text feedback.

This way, a blind or visually impaired person could explore the screen in a more natural way, gaining information, for example, on the different positions of the pieces on the board.

Project Leader

Giorgio Gnecco has been an associate professor in operational research at IMT – School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, since 2020. He works in the Analysis of compleX Economic Systems (AXES) research unit, where he was Tenure-Track (“Ricercatore Tipo”) assistant professor from 2017 to 2020. Previous to this, from 2013 to 2017, he was assistant professor on a fixed term (“Ricercatore Tipo A”) in system control at IMT Lucca, in the Dynamical Systems, Control and Optimization (DYSCO) research unit. From 2016 to 2022, he’s been the director of the local research unit INdAM (National Institute of advanced mathematics), at IMT – Lucca.

Research Organization

IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy

Research Team

  • Davide Bottari (IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca)
  • Barbara Leporini (CNR, ISTI)
  • Antonio Camurri (DIBRIS-University de Gênes)